Correcting Hip Dysplasia with Ganz Osteotomy

Описание к видео Correcting Hip Dysplasia with Ganz Osteotomy

Dr Hugate is a specialist in complex orthopedics at Panorama Orthopedics. He discusses hip dysplasia as a condition that people are born with. He explains what it is and who is pre-disposed to it. He explains the in a normal hip the ball is over the socket versus in hip dysplasia where the socket only partially covers the ball. He also talks about how these patients often come to the clinic with a labral tear to find out that it is due to hip dysplasia. He discusses the recommendations for these patients and how he works together with a hip arthroscopist to repair the labrum and re-position the socket over the ball of the hip.This helps to prevent early arthritis in these individuals.


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