Opening and dissecting 2 vintage PAF Humbuckers

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These 2 were sent to me both dead, for restoration. Here you'll get to see, what are probably both 1957 PAF's, being opened 58 years after they were soldered closed at the Gibson factory in Kalamazoo, Michigan. There are some pretty unique things about this set, hopefully I can restore them without having to rewind them, but we'll see. If so, they will be correctly machine wound to the same winding pattern found in all vintage PAF's, but will be wound with modern wire. This is my process with every dead PAF that comes in, the solder joints are opened without damaging the cover or baseplate, please watch my video on how to safely take covers off with the razor blade method. Enjoy this rare video look at the fun of working on these amazing old pickups.
Dave Stephens


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