HOT TOPIC | My Husband Says I Have a SPIRITUAL SPOUSE That Gets Intimate with Me At Night

Описание к видео HOT TOPIC | My Husband Says I Have a SPIRITUAL SPOUSE That Gets Intimate with Me At Night

Hi Kvg ne dare I’m a lady aged 29yrs and I need your help. I got married in August 2023 to my amazing husband who is well accomplished and we had a beautiful wedding. The road to getting married was not so smooth we faced so many challenges… my family vaida zviitirwe kumusha, my husband and his team had an accident twice vakadhuma mbudzi again vakutosvika pamusha vhiri rakabva Pamota whilst driving …we thank God no one was hurt. Event was very organized everything went according to plan and he asked kunditora ne muchato…So the first few months in the marriage all was well until I noticed that my husband was no longer initiating play time in our bedroom it went on for a month and a half and i was worried kuti munhu Aida mwana zvekudaro why is he behaving this way…So I sat down with him after dinner and asked that’s when he told me kuti are you aware of what happens wakarara Manheru….I asked what do you mean he explained something to me that I myself failed to believe and thoroughly gave a description of how this happens…he said you have a spiritual husband. He went on to say I try to wake you up during that time but izwi rinondipindura murume threatening me and claiming you as his wife…How often does this happen? I asked trying to understand…he Said 2 times or 3 in a week. I asked him to record me next time so that I see and he refused saying haasi ma jokes aya shaa how can i record such besides if we record something the only thing left is for it to leak to the public so I remain clueless of my actions... My husband suggested we try and get help….takaita almost 6 months tichifamba hatina any prophet or church yemweya yatakasiya looking for assistance to be delivered my husband stood by me Kvg but I also wondered how he really felt and how this period of abstainance was affecting him semunhu achangoroora. We were trying everything but the problem haina kumira my husband spoke to his sister and tete said why haven’t you told your people about this Ndivo vangato Batsira because they know what they did to you or who did what? She said we can go together so I speak on behalf of my brother.We sat with my mum and dad tete from my side and nana bamnini and everyone pretended to be surprised I say pretended because nyaya payakataurwa Misodzi yakajenga in my mother’s eyes she looked down. Tete vakasvika pakusimuka pakati pedare and left me because everyone played dumb….I called my husband that evening kuti huyai munditore and he said imbobatsirwa ikoko. My issue is hapana arikufamba neni noone is looking at this as an urgent matter. My husband sends me money we speak on the phone but hasn’t seen me in 3 months. My family seems ok with this how can I get help I miss my husband I fear he might be seeing someone already. The worst thing handitozive what happens to me husiku hwacho when I’m in our bedroom with my husband. I tried talking to my mum but chabuda hapana… vedare please help marriage yangu ingaparare…


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