Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius) HD 1080p

Описание к видео Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius) HD 1080p

This small shorebird is widespread throughout the North American continent and a rare migrant to the Hawaiian Islands. Most sightings have been on the island of O`ahu. The constant tail bobbing and distinctive flight pattern of the Spotted Sandpiper help to identify this bird. It typically flies close to the water with shallow wingbeats interspersed with short glides. In breeding plumage, the Spotted Sandpiper is a beautiful bird, heavily spotted underneath with an orange bill. When seen in Hawai`i, however, this winter visitor is a dull gray brown above and all white below. The bill is dark and a black stripe extends through the eye.

The audio is courtesy of Xeno-Canto ( Catalogue #XC794038 was recorded by Peter Ward in Canada, #XC559004 was recorded by Ron Overholtz in the USA, and #XC690395 was recorded by Ricardo Jose Mitidieri in Brazil.


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