Oak Meadow K-8 - Virtual Information Session

Описание к видео Oak Meadow K-8 - Virtual Information Session

Discover the joys of student-centered, book-based learning by watching Oak Meadow's virtual information session on our K-8 homeschool curriculum and distance learning school. | oakmeadow.com

Because young children learn naturally through imitation and action, our elementary, or preschool through grade 4, curriculum features lots of healthy activity and movement. We provide lessons rich in experiential learning, actively engaging the student’s mind, body, and imagination.

As students approach adolescence, they experience a growing sense of independence. The Oak Meadow middle school curriculum supports this developmental stage by encouraging students to look inward while also exploring the outer world in greater depth.

Want to learn more about Oak Meadow? Visit our website at oakmeadow.com.


Links Referenced in the Info Session:

Faculty: https://www.oakmeadow.com/about-us/fa...
Our Curriculum: https://www.oakmeadow.com/about-us/ou...
Curriculum Samples: https://www.oakmeadow.com/curriculum-...
Accreditation: https://www.oakmeadow.com/admission/a...
Admissions: https://www.oakmeadow.com/admission/
Resource Links: https://www.oakmeadow.com/faqs-resour...
Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.oakmeadow.com/faqs-resour...
"Yes, You Can!": https://www.oakmeadow.com/yes-you-can/


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