Oak Meadow 2nd Grade Curriculum Review

Описание к видео Oak Meadow 2nd Grade Curriculum Review

Hey everyone! I wanted to share with you the curriculum we used this past year for second grade. We are really enjoying the Oak Meadow Curriculum and I think I'm going to keep using it for all 3 of my kids. There is a whole lot included in the curriculum, and we weren't able to get around to doing all of it, but I'm ok with that. This video is not sponsored or endorsed by Oak Meadow, but below is a link to their bookstore if you're interested in purchasing this curriculum. I'd love to hear from you! Let me know what you think about Oak Meadow, if you used it, or if you're planning on using it. Thanks for watching!

Oak Meadow Bookstore: https://www.oakmeadowbookstore.com/se...

Oak Meadow 1st Grade Curriculum Review:    • 1st Grade OAK MEADOW Curriculum Revie...  

Other Curriculum Reviews:    • Curriculum Review  

Other Homeschool Videos:    • Homeschooling  


Hello everyone! My name is Jesse and I'm a homeschooling mama to 3 girls as well as a homesteader and an online teacher! My channel is all about teaching, homeschooling, homesteading, and homemaking. Thanks for watching!

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