What in the world is the Cranio Cervical Junction?

Описание к видео What in the world is the Cranio Cervical Junction?

What in the world is the Cranio Cervical Junction (CCJ)? Cranio meaning skull and cervical meaning neck, the Cranio Cervical junction is where the two come together and it is the most complex biomechanical and neurological joint in the spine. The paper we review today is titled “The craniocervical junction: embryology, anatomy, biomechanics and imaging in blunt trauma.” This is a great paper because it outlines the importance of the head and neck junction, and also outlines why it often is missed in imaging and diagnosis. Upper Cervical Chiropractors have been examining and correcting misalignments of the Upper Cervical spine since the 1930’s gently and effectively, with great results. We go into why we do that in this paper. If you have questions call our office today to find out more: 603.380.9184
The CCJ is comprised of some of the earliest embryological remnants of our nervous system which is one of the first systems in the body to form. That is because the brain controls the body through the spine and the CCJ is one of the most important protection mechanisms to the development and control of the nervous system. The paper describes how trauma to the CCJ can happen very early in children and that imaging the CCJ is a fundamental procedure to determine the health of the joint. Within the upper cervical chiropractic profession, we have been using 3D imaging for almost a century to determine the integrity of the joint and correct for misalignments that might be causing nerve interference. The CCJ isn’t like the rest of the spine. It doesn’t have discs that hold the spine together, it mostly is held together by muscles, ligaments, and tendons. There are no bony locks. This is why injuries like car accidents, concussions, and sports injuries are super important to get checked out very quickly. The CCJ needs a specific correction to balance the soft tissue and bone back in place.
The paper also describes how the fluid flow balance between the brain and the spine is very important through the CCJ. Three separate fluid balances include: the Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the arterial fluid to the brain, and the venous fluid away from the brain. The CSF is integral in pulling toxins away from the brain, and the flow can often be disrupted by the CCJ being misaligned which then can lead to build up of fluid in the cord or in the brain. The arterial blood to the brain from the heart travels through the carotids, just in front of the atlas vertebra, as well as the vertebral arteries which wind and twist their way up through the CCJ. So, if there is misalignment in the cervical spine, it vastly hampers the ability of the brain to get nutrients and oxygen from the blood. Lastly, the venous fluid is pulled away from the brain through the vertebral venous plexus that surrounds the cervical spine and the jugular veins, which sit directly in front of the atlas. So, whether it’s high blood pressure, or low blood pressure, or normal pressure hydrocephaly, the CCJ can have a massive influence over the fluid flow in and out of the brain.
As we have discussed, there are many ways in which the CCJ can impact health on a global scale, but there is one more way left to mention that is the most important. That is the fact that the brainstem sits directly inside of the CCJ and can be heavily influenced by the health of the joint around it. So, if you know of someone struggling with problems of the head or neck let them know that an Upper Cervical Chiropractor can help. Call us today at 603.380.9184 to find out more.



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