BDO - Succession Valk BA duels #30: vs Awakening Drakania

Описание к видео BDO - Succession Valk BA duels #30: vs Awakening Drakania

Another fight vs an awk drak, although this time the drak had enough ap to really do damage. I start out with my belt and neck taken off from a previous fight so i do no damage (drak was also using a khalk elixir in BA for some reason), but eventually i put my gear back on and the fight really picks up from there. i'm still surprised i don't get grabbed more in this fight.

Notes on the matchup:
drak has a couple dashes that they like to use to get behind you which are unprotected. it's fast but you can try to predict where their dash will land and use shield throw or another cc to catch them in their landing.



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