Automatic Driving Car All In One (explained)

Описание к видео Automatic Driving Car All In One (explained)

#selfdrivingcars #driving #selfdrivingcar #drivinganautomaticcar #selfdriving #firstdrivinglessonautomaticcar
Car moving off and stopping the car is a common maneuver that has to be executed while driving the objective of this lesson is to teach you the steps to move off and stop the car this video will demonstrate how to synchronize the gear foot brake and accelerator to move off the car from a stationary position the dry run to control the foot brake depress it fully using the ball of your right foot your heel should not rest on the floorboard use the knee movement to release the foot brake slowly to control the accelerator depress it lightly using the ball of your right foot your heel should rest on the floorboard use the ankle movement to release the accelerator slowly moving off the car the first step is to ensure that the handbrake is applied and the gear lever is at p position place your right foot on the foot brake start the engine check your front left and right to ensure that it is safe to move off signal right depress the foot brake completely and shift to d gear reconfirm safety to the right and check your right blind spot release the handbrake and then release the foot brake gradually to move off the car to increase the speed further depress the accelerator gently and gradually when you have achieved the desired speed maintain the position of the accelerator maintain the speed or release it slowly to reduce the speed stopping the car to stop the car release the accelerator gradually next shift the right foot to gradually apply the foot brake till the car stops when the car has stopped keep the foot brake depressed apply the hand brake and shift the gear to the p position you can now bring your foot away from the foot brake the steering wheel enables you to move the car in the desired direction of travel the objective of this lesson is to teach you the method of turning the steering wheel this video will demonstrate the pull and push method to turn the steering wheel to have good control of the steering wheel you must adopt the correct sitting so look far ahead to hold the steering wheel use the face of a clock as a reference for the position to place your hands firstly you may either place your left hand at the 10 o'clock position and the right hand at the 2 o'clock position alternatively you may either place your left hand at the nine o'clock position and the right hand at the three o'clock position when driving hold the steering wheel lightly to turn the car a common method is the pull and push method to turn the steering wheel to the right use the right hand to pull the steering wheel down at the same time slide the left hand down secondly use the left hand to push the steering wheel up at the same time slide the right hand up turn the steering wheel according to the curvature of the turn to turn the steering wheel to the left use the left hand to pull the steering wheel down at the same time slide the right hand down secondly use the right hand to push the steering wheel up at the same time slide the left hand up turn the steering wheel according to the curvature of the turn when approaching a gradual bend the first step is to reduce speed at the bend turn the steering wheel according to the curvature of the bend do not move your body as you are steering maintain your car in the center of the lane as you are about to pass the bend return steering wheel to straighten the front wheels glance to the left and right as you turn do not fix your eye line when approaching a sharp bend the first step is to reduce speed at the bend several turns of the steering wheel may be required to enable turn according to the curvature of the bend do not move your body as you're steering if you are negotiating a left bend drive closer to the right of the lane if you are negotiating a right bend drive closer to the left of the lane as you are about to pass the bend return steering wheel to straighten the front wheels glance to the left and right as you turn do not fix your eye line the objective of this video is to teach you the correct method of breaking the car this video will demonstrate how to brake to either slow the car to a target speed or to stop the car at a targeted point at low speed to slow down or stop the car both the foot brake and engine brake should be used depress the foot brake early and firmly before reducing the pressure on the foot brake slightly till you reach the target speed or place stop the engine brake is activated by releasing the accelerator the amount of pressure to apply on the foot brake depends on the speed and the distance to stop or slow the car you should apply more pressure on the foot brake if there is a shorter distance to slow or stop the car or if the difference between your speed and the target speed is greater before slowing down the car check the rear view mirrors to ensure that it is safe to do so release the accelerator.


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