F-19 Stealth Fighter (Mod) - Persian Gulf Mission #02

Описание к видео F-19 Stealth Fighter (Mod) - Persian Gulf Mission #02

My second mission in the Persian Gulf, using the new panel and sprites. Nighttime assignment, we are to hit a bridge and a tank farm. Sounds easy enough? Well I managed to get hit by my own blast wave not one, but two times! (The blast wave effect is really nice in this game, it rocks your world so to speak) Both targets were hit though, and despite some damage to the plane we managed to get back to base after a long chase -in which I was also identified visually by an Iranian Tomcat... Ooops. We survived it however, exhausting all countermeasure stores. In the end I was both awarded a medal and promoted, so HQ must have appreciated my efforts anyway.

Panel mod coming soon on https://pixelwings.org.

Visit CanadianAvengers blog and read about his epic process of decoding the MicroProse PIC format, making graphic mods such as this possible! https://canadianavenger.io

00:00:00 Title screen
00:00:26 Mission briefing
00:01:18 Aircraft arming
00:01:23 Mission start / take-off
00:04:04 Waypoint 1
00:04:16 Feet dry enemy territory
00:07:01 Waypoint 2
00:07:10 Primary target bomb run
00:07:27 Both Paveways misses
00:09:18 Second pass on primary
00:09:31 Primary destroyed by Slick
00:17:55 Waypoint 3 reached
00:18:04 Secondary target bomb run
00:18:13 Secondary destroyed by Slick
00:19:31 First SAM launch
00:19:43 First decoy released
00:22:10 Fighters inbound 6 o'clock
00:23:23 Near missile miss on us
00:23:35 Another near miss
00:25:45 Desperately trying to escape
00:26:36 Fighters disengage
00:28:27 Lined up for landing
00:28:47 Safe landing
00:29:01 Mission summary
00:29:07 Mission debriefing
00:29:28 Award and promotion


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