Hot Start Challenger 650 | Chapter 1: Normal Power Up - APU & Electrical | X-Plane 11

Описание к видео Hot Start Challenger 650 | Chapter 1: Normal Power Up - APU & Electrical | X-Plane 11

Join Rob 'Hammer' as he conducts a detailed normal power up check of the Hot Start Challenger 650 using a real life checklist from the manufacturer, dive deep into the Challenger 650 and it's systems, conducted by a real life Challenger 650 Captain.

Chapter 1: Airplane and flight publications check, emergency equipment check, circuit breaker philosophy and policy, stab trim channel 1/2 circuit breaker locate and confirm closed, pre-checklist flow, battery master on indications, master warning/caution indications, Firex monitor system test, fire detection test and review master warning/caution indications, lighting setup, APU start, AC and DC electrical checks, AC and DC electric bus checks, TRU (transformer rectifier unit) system checks.

Upcoming Chapter 2: Lamp Test, bleed leak detection, duct monitor test, loops A& B test, packs select, FMS/CDU setup & initialization, FMS setup including the loading of a Simbrief flight plan using real life procedures,

Chapter 3: Seat and harness, rudder pedals, nosewheel door, oxygen system check including crew masks and audio panel, pax oxygen panel check, audio DCU 1/2 panel, CVR test, hydraulic system checks, lights as required, start/ignition panel check, fuel panel check, air conditioning panel check and set, ELT, cabin pressurization panel test, bleed air panel test and set, anti-Ice panel tests (ice detector test, etc), emergency lights test and set, standby compass, glareshield, air data/altimeter, side panels check and set, EFIS check, EICAS check, ISI check, GPS clock, landing gear horn, anti skid, MLG overheat detection system check, TAWS warning check,

Chapter 4: Pitch and roll disconnect check, thrust reversers arming, flight spoiler lever, thrust levers, flaps, engine vibration test, stall protection system check, radios and avionics DCP/CCP (discuss secondary method to set VHF com and nav radios), flight control trim systems check, AFCS selector and discussion, IRS selector, landing gear manual release, ADG handle, ADG auto deploy control test,

Chapter 5: Continue aircraft preparation and readiness for before start checks, ATIS (automatic and manual), clearance (discuss CPDLC and DLC), FMS performance and other programming, EFIS setup, display MFD data, chart use and setup, crew and take-off briefing. Ready for passenger arrival and the before start check.

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Addons Used:
X – Plane
Hot Start Challenger 650
ORBX True Earth
Jeppesen Charts from NAVIGRAPH

Flight Sim Hardware:

CH Products Flight Sim Yoke
Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant
CH Products Pro Pedals


The primary purpose of any FAAV videos is to enhance your flight simulator experience with a real Challenger 650 Business Jet Captain operating a desktop simulated aircraft. While I am using real world procedures (for the most part), including flight planning, flight procedures, etc. they should never be duplicated in real life.

While I am a real world pilot who operates this type of aircraft, this is purely for entertainment only.

Personal questions regarding my employment and or remuneration will not be answered. Thank you for your understanding


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