Ustad Asad Ali Khan – A Portrait – A Film by Renuka George

Описание к видео Ustad Asad Ali Khan – A Portrait – A Film by Renuka George

Ten years ago, on 14th June 2011 Ustad Asad Ali Khan left this world. With him we lost the last great 20th century Beenkar whose music brought the era of the royal Darbars into the 21st century.

While discussing over many years with Khansahib how to document and preserve his legacy in audio and video recordings, it was only in 2009 that he agreed to cooperate in a documentary about him and his music, directed and produced by Renuka George. For this project over 60 hours of material were recorded in which she inspired Khansahib to speak about his music and demonstrate many before unseen nuances and facets of it. The result is a touching portrait of a musician that did not only know the value but lived the ideal of ‘pure music’.

It’s an absolute delight that we can present this documentary on the 10th death anniversary of Ustad Asad Ali Khan. I’m most thankful to Renuka George for her dedicated work that made this historic document possible, as well for her generous offer to share it to the public.

Enjoy this most intimate meeting with Khansahib, his Veena and his music.


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