Is there an upper limit to the anabolic response ... or not?!

Описание к видео Is there an upper limit to the anabolic response ... or not?!

This week we dive into this exciting study published just a few weeks ago that provides evidence to support that – at least after resistance exercise – the upper limit to the amount of protein we can assimilate into functional tissue may be much higher than may previously have thought.

So, what did the authors do, what studies need to be done next, and what does it mean for the recommendations we make as sports nutritionists?

Jorn Trommelen, Glenn A.A. van Lieshout, Jean Nyakayiru, Andrew M. Holwerda, Joey S.J. Smeets, Floris K. Hendriks, Janneau M.X. van Kranenburg, Antoine H. Zorenc, Joan M. Senden, Joy P.B. Goessens, Annemie P. Gijsen, Luc J.C. van Loon (2023). The anabolic response to protein ingestion during recovery from exercise has no upper limit in magnitude and duration in vivo in humans. Cell Reports Medicine. Volume 4, Issue 12, 101324.


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