Truth Wanted 07.33 with ObjectivelyDan and Ilana DeBare

Описание к видео Truth Wanted 07.33 with ObjectivelyDan and Ilana DeBare

00:00 Intro
50:57 Dan-(CA) | Police Report Of Demon Possessed Children
1:03:03 Heath-(CA) | Black Heart And Is Going To Hell


Discover the Truth with ObjectivelyDan and Llana DeBare (, author of the book "Shaken Loose", take a deep dive into hell. They discuss hellish medieval art, classic concepts of hell, and a book that Llana has written about hell, Shaken Loose. Llana describes how this book will raise questions such as: How can a just god create or tolerate such an unjust universe? There is no mercy in hell!

Dan in Canada calls to talk about demon possession and a story where a police chief confirmed children were possessed. The story had several claims such as children walking up walls and movie type stuff. The Catholic Church will be the first group to tell you that this is a thing and it happens all the time. If you grow up with that understanding, you will start to attribute things to that belief. Sadly, this can be used as a point of discrimination against people with mental illness. What moved you away from the belief of demon possession?

Heath, a lifelong atheist in Canada, tells us of an experience he had as a four year old. Another four year old walked over to him and told him that god is always watching us. When Heath responded by telling her that god is not real, it resulted in her mother screaming at Heath and telling him he had a black heart and was going to hell. We are glad that at the age of four you had the sense of self to not take that comment to heart and have empathy for the other four year old. Heath asks the hosts their opinion on habitable planets, and if they exist, how they could increase the likelihood of god or magic existing. This does not increase the likelihood of the Abrahamic god. Maybe if there was a god that clearly gave his intent such as holding a press conference, that would hold some weight. There is a long history of using miracles to prove god and we all look to that, but so far there is nothing that is definitive. What would it take for you to believe in god? Even if you do experience what you think may be a miracle, remember, that people suffer from delusions. How would you tell the difference?

Thank you for joining us this week! Prompt of the week is: It is a bad idea to ______at a formal event. If you struggle with the fear of hell, you can visit Recovering from Religion to learn of ways of dealing with this in a healthy manner. See you all next week!

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