TCA Lip Peel | Demonstration + After Care | Smokers lines | Marionette | Nasal labial

Описание к видео TCA Lip Peel | Demonstration + After Care | Smokers lines | Marionette | Nasal labial

Treating the Lip area with a TCA peel.|_Demonstration_+_After_Care_|_Smokers_lines_|_Marionette_|_Nasal_labial

The most commonly used acid to get dramatic changes on the lip area is TCA or Tri chloro acetic acid.

If you are looking to:
Tighten up loose skin
Lighten pigmentation caused from Melasma or Waxing for example
Increase firmness,
and minimize Smoker’s lines - then a Peel may be just what you need.

If you are prone to fever blisters, pretreat that with a prescription prior to performing any peel.
If you are dealing with sun damage, melasma or have a naturally darker skin tone, pretreat the area with Fade Bright or another melanin inhibitor for 2 weeks prior to performing a peel.
Last one – ONLY do this peel 1x per month. We are going to be using a higher percentage of TCA – and possibly layers, so we need the appropriate down time in between applications.

1. Wash skin
2. Apply prep
3. Apply barrier
4. Apply peel solution
5. Wait 5 minutes
… and then you may complete your peel OR you can apply the next layer for a deeper peel.

NOW – depending on your individual skin – you may or may not see some FROSTING.
Frosting is a white haze ( or white speckles) that shows you the TCA is actively coagulating your skin’s proteins. It will naturally go away in about 15 minutes or so.
If you SEE frosting, then you will want to stop your peel here for your first time.
If you do NOT see frosting, and want a deeper peel, you may apply another layer at this point.

6. Apply next layer if you don't have any frosting.
7. Wait 5 more minutes.
8. Rinse well with cold water.

We suggest no more than 1 or MAYBE 2 layers when you apply this peel.
In the future you may apply another layer if you wish – but use caution as several layers of a strong acid such as TCA 20% can cause *Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation.

So ONLY do this if you are ALREADY using a melanin inhibitor such as our Fade Bright 2x per day.

7. Now pat skin gently dry.
8. IF you are dealing with pigmentation – NOW is the perfect time to apply a few drops of your melanin inhibitor.|_Demonstration_+_After_Care_|_Smokers_lines_|_Marionette_|_Nasal_labial

Now, if you have our LIP PEEL Kit you can now apply 1-2 drops of our 75% SYN-TC Complex to stimulate more collagen growth and smoothing of the skin.

And then, a tiny dab of Luminosity to get deep penetration of Vitamin A. *Apply this 1x per day for the next 3 days then stop.

You may follow this with Emu oil or our Essentials Healing Blend if you wish for more hydration.

If you do not have our Lip Peel Kit, then apply a healing oil of your choice to your lip area.

Now, we are complete, so here is what to expect next.

Over the course of the next few days your outer lip area will become dry – it could possibly become darker too - which is the dead skin getting ready to come off – so don’t panic! *Look at a few pictures on our TCA page to see what this dark skin looks like when you are applying multiple layers of a higher percentage.
Keep your skin hydrated.

In about 3 days your skin may become quite dry. For the next 3-5 days you will most likely see some flaking of the skin. In about 7 days’ time - average – you will notice that all the dead skin is gone and your skin will be very smooth.

Many times you will notice that the lines look better already – but generally it will take a bit of time to get real, long-lasting results. It takes time for collagen to grow!

TCA has been shown to continually stimulate collagen in the skin for up to 8 months. So you will notice over the course of the next few months your skin getting better and better.

Continue using antiaging products such as our Retinol Molecular Serums and SYN-TC 75% 2x per day for best results.|_Demonstration_+_After_Care_|_Smokers_lines_|_Marionette_|_Nasal_labial|_Demonstration_+_After_Care_|_Smokers_lines_|_Marionette_|_Nasal_labial|_Demonstration_+_After_Care_|_Smokers_lines_|_Marionette_|_Nasal_labial


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