CrossFit Training Think Tank

Описание к видео CrossFit Training Think Tank

5 Rounds:
15 cal bike (subbed row)
15 wall balls
15 power snatches (75/55 lbs)
15 toes to bar
15 cal bike (subbed row)

90 second rest between rounds

Time: 28:08
Score here was total time but with a sub goal of similar round times. Kept the row above 1000 cal/he pace, especially trying to push the second row just slightly more than the first (or it at least felt that way from the pain of the other movements). Wall balls had a lot of stress on them because I knew I could and needed to stay unbroken on them. Knew the snatches might need 2 breaks and started that early. The grip fatigue on those really hurt the toes to bar so there was some trade off needed. Wanted to stay 9-6 on those but blew up as well. Overall felt like I paced pretty well and attacked the workout well besides the last round of snatches. Tried to sell out and went 10-5 on those. Took a large break instead of two smaller breaks so maybe gained 3 seconds by doing that but it forced an additional break or two on the last round of toes to bar so a net loss.
Round times were as follows (or at least close to):
R1: 4:26
R2: 4:21
R3: 4:29
R4: 4:26
R5: 4:26


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