Ricotta meatballs - Toddler Meals Recipe

Описание к видео Ricotta meatballs - Toddler Meals Recipe

My little Luca is going through a very "picky palate" phase and I have to be very creative in order to make him eat all four food groups including meat. This recipe is one of his favorites as the meat is very tender, the meatballs are small (his size!!) and the tomatoes are reduced in a very creamy and tasty sauce.

I'm very careful about the quality of the beef I choose for my family as it is not easy nor affordable to find good meat (no hormones, no antibiotics, grass fed...). I recently tried some beef from PasoPrime, a local Southern California company that raises animals in a sustainable way (like everybody should do :-)). If you are interested please check their website.

If you would like to check the ingredients'list, please have a look at

See you next Thursday with another recipe!!!


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