O. Yermakov: Engineering resonant metasurfaces for photonic applications

Описание к видео O. Yermakov: Engineering resonant metasurfaces for photonic applications

HyperComplex Seminar, 17 Sep 2024
Abstract. Two-dimensional (2D) materials oer unique opportunities for photodetection, light emission, energy harvesting, and enhanced light-matter interactions. Even more interest brings the articially engineered 2D micro- and nanostructures with on-demand properties paving the way towards
a plethora of specic applications and devices including lensing, holography, imaging, polarimetry, biosensing, etc. The rapidly developing use of 2D nanostructures poses new challenges for their proper engineering and novel applications. Here, we focus on the metasurfaces, which are the periodic arrays of subwavelength scatterers.
In this work, we develop new approaches, generalizations and algorithms of the metasurfaces engineering based on the semi-analytical methods, numerical simulation and machine-learning-based inverse design [1]. We the properties of plasmonic and all-dielectric metasurfaces and their applications for (i) Brewster's angle shifting [2], (ii) anti-reective coatings for solar cells, (iii) ultra-focused in-plane transmission of a localized signal [3], (iv) planar waveguide polarizer, and (v) ecient light collection into optical ber [4].
Keywords and phrases: metasurfaces, photonics, two-dimensional nanostructures
[1] A. Hrinchenko, O. Yermakov, Designing optical hyperbolic metasurfaces based on gold nanodisks, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 56 (2023), 465105.
[2] O. Yermakov, Shift of Brewster's angle with two-dimensional materials and structures, Physical Review A 109 (2024), L031502.
[3] A. Hrinchenko, S. Polevoy, O. Demianyk, O. Yermakov, Engineering hyperbolicity and plasmon canalization for resonant plasmonic anisotropic nanopatch-based metasurfaces, Journal of Applied Physics 135 (2024), 223102.
[4] O. Yermakov, M. Zeisberger, H. Schneidewind, J. Kim, A. Bogdanov, Y. Kivshar, M. A. Schmidt, Advanced ber in-coupling through nanoprinted axially symmetric structures, Applied Physics Reviews 10 (2023), 011401


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