LYRA 2024 8mR R2 winning the start

Описание к видео LYRA 2024 8mR R2 winning the start

This video shows how important starts are. The boats crossing behind us on port tack heading out to the right are already multiple boat lengths behind. Ralph, driving SARISSA scares everyone off and takes command of the center of the line while we take the boat end. Half of our starting strategy is to not have him immediately to leeward of us, as he can stick it up better than anyone, and if he leebows us or takes our lane, then we're the ones forced to tack and head out to the right!
Aren't these +45 ft boats beautiful?
We celebrated THISBE's 95's birthday on the lawn after this day's racing! The Michele Family are truly noble stewards of history, the way they've kept her up.


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