AWA Nick Bockwinkel's face turn - Winnipeg version Part 1

Описание к видео AWA Nick Bockwinkel's face turn - Winnipeg version Part 1

AWA Wrestling fans may not know that Nick Bockwinkel's babyface turn in October of 1985 had to be redone for the Winnipeg market. Winnipeg had been part of the AWA territory since the early '70s, but beginning in the summer of 1984, instead of our Winnipeg AWA TV show airing the same AWA squash matches as the AWA TV show in the other AWA cities, we started to have our own squash match TV tapings that replaced them. They were first held at Norberry School, then after a year they were moved to Holy Cross School. They were held on Friday, the day after the AWA card at Winnipeg Arena every third or fourth Thursday. For some inexplicable reason, Greg Gagne stopped being a part of the Winnipeg AWA cards and didn't do the TV tapings, either, around mid-1985. He was still active in the AWA but he stopped coming to Winnipeg. The main version of the Nick Bockwinkel face turn that aired in the United States involved Nick getting involved in a match betwen Greg Gagne and Larry Zbyszko to attempt to take the numbchucks away from Larry, his tag-team partner at the time. So for the Winnipeg tapings, the AWA had to break up Larry and Nick in a way that didn't involve Greg Gagne. And maybe numchucks, too, because I think numbchucks might be illegal in Canada. It's hard to make a comparison for the numchucks, because those became more part of Larry's gimmick as 1986 arrived and went on, and the AWA lost Winnipeg to the WWF in late January 1986. So in Winnipeg, Larry became pissed off that Nick agreed to team with Mad Dog Vachon for a match at the Winnipeg Arena against Russians Boris Zhukov and his manager Chris Markoff.

In part 1, you see the prequel to Nick's actual face turn: Mad Dog Vachon chooses Nick to team up with, you see promos of the two of them, then, finally Larry's negative reaction to Nick teaming up with the Mad Dog. Look for my part 2, where you will see Larry attacking Nick from behind in the ring at the Holy Cross tapings.


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