Luiza Bialasiewicz, Ruth Wodak: Borderwork in the City

Описание к видео Luiza Bialasiewicz, Ruth Wodak: Borderwork in the City

Panel Discussion, 11 December 2018, IWM Library

Drawing upon on-going research on anti-migrant mobilization in a number of European cities, the panelists will discuss the role of new forms of citizen activism and new political aesthetics in imagining (and forcefully enacting) exclusionary landscapes. In particular, they query how such "citizens’ borderwork" allows a wider geopolitics of fear to touch down in particular places, rendering "fearful" particular bodies, objects and landscapes.

Luiza Bialasiewicz
Professor of European Governance, University of Amsterdam; IWM Guest


Ruth Wodak
Emerita Distinguished Professor of Discourse Studies, Lancaster University; IWM Visiting Fellow

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