CRISPY Catfish in Romantic Proportions 🌶 🎣 🥭 Delicious ‘Phu Tai’ Ethnic Food @ไทอีสานลาบเป็ด

Описание к видео CRISPY Catfish in Romantic Proportions 🌶 🎣 🥭 Delicious ‘Phu Tai’ Ethnic Food @ไทอีสานลาบเป็ด

Catfish meat (shredded, breaded and deep-fried) is already a delicious snack on its own. However, when you want full-on Thai-style sour and spicy max-out flavors, and you cover that catfish with a mango, chili, and herb-filled salad... you create "Yam Pla Duk Foo" an absolute dish of wonders when it comes to a flavor texture dream combo meal.

This restaurant is a personal family favorite in the large Esaan town of Khon Kaen, the kind of place that has something (or many things) for everyone in the family. The papaya salad menu is incredible and diverse, the local fish selection takes up an entire page on its own, the fire-pots of Esaan's blindingly sour soups are just delightful here, and there are even some wonderfully tame dishes to make (mom and/or 'the kids') the not-so-spicy food lovers in the group feel very satisfied as well.

A team of young ladies are holding down the reception, the kitchen, and the restaurant, and after more than a dozen evening meals here I can guarantee you are in for one of the most incredibly tasty meals of Esaan food you would ever want in Khon Kaen.

An amazing place, 'Tai Laap Bet,' and thank YOU so much for giving me the opportunity to share another of my favorite restaurants in this video today! Big cheers to all you lovers of Thai-Laos cuisine, I hope you're having a wonderful day whenever you watch this video!
Much love.

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