X4 Foundations: 7.0 Beta 6 - Testing a Blast Mortar + Bolt combo for S bombers

Описание к видео X4 Foundations: 7.0 Beta 6 - Testing a Blast Mortar + Bolt combo for S bombers

Hello everybody,

In this one I test a new loadout for my Eclipse bombers, Blast Mortar + Bolt, in an efforts to make a bomber that can also intercept, bonus no ammo required.
Also, some more xenon H drone carrier gameplay, as an alternative to dedicated interceptors wing.

- the loadout is viable for bombardment. Not as effective as my 4 BMs Ares, but still effective and they can defend themselves against escorts. Bonus, fighters with BM seem to target turrets, at least from what I've seen.
- drones are kinda slow to deploy to protect your bombers against escorts, if you need to engage capitals right away. If you can afford to wait, drones can create an exclusion zone around your carrier/flagship.

- not X4 related, but if you are not crazy about the retar... I mean new exciting YT layout, I recommend the "Enhancer for YouTube" extension, it saved my sanity. :P


About me:
I like to share my X4 Foundations experiences, some because they are really amazing, some because they are really anoying.

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