The difference between watching the ball and seeing the ball like the Pro Players

Описание к видео The difference between watching the ball and seeing the ball like the Pro Players

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In today's session, we explain why it is essential to keep your head still while hitting the ball and give a simple and effective method of achieving this simple, yet unnatural lack of movement

There are two main types of focus that the eyes use when tracking a tennis ball: accommodation and convergence.

Accommodation is the ability of the eyes to change the shape of the lens in order to focus on objects at different distances. This is particularly important when tracking a tennis ball, as the ball is constantly changing its distance from the player's eyes as it travels through the air. The lens of the eye changes shape to adjust the focus of the image on the retina, allowing the player to see the ball clearly.

Convergence is the ability of the eyes to turn inward as the ball moves closer, so that both eyes are pointed at the same point on the ball. This helps the player maintain binocular vision and depth perception, allowing them to accurately judge the ball's distance and trajectory.

In terms of anatomy, the eyes are composed of several parts that work together to help the player track the ball. The cornea and lens are responsible for refracting light and focusing the image on the retina. The retina contains specialized cells called photoreceptors that detect light and send signals to the brain via the optic nerve. The eye muscles, including the extraocular muscles, control the movement of the eye and allow the player to track the ball smoothly.

From a physics perspective, the eyes must take into account the ball's speed, trajectory, and spin in order to accurately track its movement. For example, a high spin rate will cause the ball to curve in the air, making it more difficult to predict its path. The player must also account for the ball's velocity, which will determine how quickly it moves across the visual field, and its trajectory, which will determine how high or low it appears in the sky.

Overall, the eyes play a crucial role in a high-level tennis player's ability to track and hit the ball. By using accommodation and convergence to adjust their focus, and taking into account the physics of the ball's movement, players are able to maintain visual contact with the ball and make accurate shots.

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