Reading Secrets of Strangers : Confessions -A Safe Space : EP 01

Описание к видео Reading Secrets of Strangers : Confessions -A Safe Space : EP 01

We all have secrets. Some make us smile; others weigh heavy on our hearts. Now, here’s your chance to let them out—anonymously and without judgment.

Confessions by The Storyyellers is a safe space for sharing your untold stories, hidden feelings, funny or embarrassing incidents, or moments you’ve never shared before. We’ll present these confessions to strangers, creating a bridge of empathy, kindness, and understanding. Your identity will remain completely hidden, but your story will be heard.

Inspired by Jubilee’s Seeking Secrets, we are thrilled to bring this concept to Nepal. Through this series, we aim to spark conversations, foster connections, and remind people that no one is truly alone in their struggles.

To send you confessions, click the link below:

To react to the confessions, click the link below:

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who trusted us with their confessions—you made this episode possible and also to those who reacted with empathy and understanding.

#confessions #secret #empathy #reactingtoconfessions


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