Clear Unhealthy Competition Light Language Reiki Angels Galactics and Art Energy Healing

Описание к видео Clear Unhealthy Competition Light Language Reiki Angels Galactics and Art Energy Healing

Archangel Metatron and Archangel Sandalphon, we are asking to receive insights and ideas and collaboration and co-creation to do with progress and finding fresh approaches to the old, to be motivated, willing to explore outside of our comfort zone, to focus, to learn and to increase participation without relying on competition. Let us receive in new ways. Help us to self-actualize and to continue to expand and ascend and experience a deep sense of accomplishment and joy in new skills learned or perfected. The joy of personal growth and of continuous exploration without following denser paradigms of competition, pecking order and comparison. Help us to be intrinsically motivated through the beliefs we hold, the dreams we have, rather than just being externally motivated. Thank you.

Archangel Raphael and Archangel Muriel and Archangel Cassiel, please heal the wound where we have worked together with others, lived together with others, shared the same life purpose or mission and goals and where it turned sour. Where collaboration and cooperation and feeling connected turned into hostility, winning at all costs, comparison, strained relationships, sabotage, self-sabotage, dishonesty and unethical behaviour, feelings of lack of ability, uselessness, feelings of being less, a failure and fear of failure, negative self-image and worsened self-esteem, negative thoughts, stress, envy, depression, fawning, looking to others for approval and validation, burnout, exhaustion, a sense of injustice/ unfairness, anxiety, risky behaviours and health issues.
Please install and activate and expand within us a harmony template, a template of celebrating each other’s greatness as well as our own. Seeing how we all contribute in magnificent and unique ways. A template of true co-creation and celebration and empowerment. Thank you.

Archangel Jeremiel, please clear and bring compassion and healing for excessive expectations. Bring a relaxed state of being, easy production, time of leisure without guilt, enjoying what we do, and being able to follow the natural rhythm of stillness as well as movement and to enjoy both states of Being. Thank you.

Archangel Raphael, please gently clear within our DNA and within our akashic records and shared akashic records and within Gaia’s akashic records the template of competition to survive, the template of lack, limited sources and resources. Bring soothing and healing for this deep wound of lack. Thank you. Archangel Metatron please install, activate and expand our inherent knowing of abundance, all of our abundance DNA codes, energy codes of Abundance. Restore us to our true abundant, powerful, harmonious Being. Thank you.

Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Metatron please help us to see the progress that we have made and are making, help us to know our strengths and to face our insecurities and the reasons behind them. Thank you.

This is a healing that requires only an open heart and the willingness to receive. Be gentle with yourself afterwards as this may bring up things for you to transmute. With all my love, may you be happy and well.

Extended Healings:
Psychic Gifts Retrieval/ Become more Psychic
Twin Flame Attraction
Clear Blocks to Money/ Wealth/ Prosperity
Protection & Entity Removal
Heal, Balance & Align 12 Chakras & Minor Chakras
Sexuality Healing
Distrust Healing:

and more

Donations are always welcome and help me to continue to give to the collective for free, thank you!

For a private Reiki and/ Light Language Consultation or an Art Commission

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#twinflames #soulmates #energyhealing #soundhealing #angelhealing #angelmessages #asmr #magick #witch #lightworker #energyhealer #energyhealing #soundhealing #asmrhealing #starseed #pagan #paganism #witchcraft #newage #loa #manifestation #attraction #starlanguage #soullanguage #aliens #galactics #counseling #artheals #lightlanguagehealing #lightlanguageactivation #lightlanguageart #energyhealer #reikihealer #lightcodes #ascension #spiritualawakening #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #Pleiadians #Orion #Arctuarians #pegasi #unicorns #dragons #fae #fearies #elementals #Gaia #Andromedans #Lyrans #Seraphim #Cherubim #archangelmichael #archangelraphael

Medical Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor when needed. This is to soothe and clear the energy behind unwanted manifestations and to lift/ shift lower vibrations; to assist you on your awakening’s journey.


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