The Honourable Man Series 3 Episode 43

Описание к видео The Honourable Man Series 3 Episode 43

we present arthur lowe, john, the messiah and clive dunn in dad's army, the honorable man featuring john larry, arnold ridley, and ian lavender with this week's guests bill pertwee julian orchard, larry, martin and fraser carr. Here is the news - and this is john smith.

Reading it, it is late july 1941 and following hitler's attack on the soviet union in june, britain and russia have Signed a mutual aid pact against a common foe. Cooperation between the two countries is of the utmost importance at the town hall in warmington on sea. The town clerk is addressing an important meeting.

Now. Gentlemen, as you know, we are gathered here as a general purposes committee to discuss the arrangements for the visit of this russian fellow to warmington on sea. Before we start the official business, I Think it would be a good idea if I check that everyone who's meant to be present is in fact here call the role you win.

Yes, that's right. Captain mannering, if you could uh just uh, answer your names. I think that would be the quickest way.

Yes, I quite agree good idea, so glad you approved right. Captain mannering yeah. Are you here, Of course, i'm here just been talking to him.

Yes, of course, oh get on with it. We shall be at all night at this rate, yes, but I think we can also regard mr hodges as being present too. Mr fraser hi, i'm here mr wilson, mr wilson, i'm sorry he uh he doesn't seem to have turned up yet most.

Unlike any of my men to be late. I See well uh we'll move on mr jones, mr jones he's another of my men. I'm sure there must be a very good reason for his absence.

Yes, i'm sure yes, sir uh, now what about mr walker is he present yeah, i'm here for once mr murray, and I bet you're glad to see me well, there are one or two absentees, but I i think we better make a stop hey. What about me? I'm here sit down peg, You are here merely as a runner. That's not fair! That's not fair! Look.

How can I run if i'm sitting down be quiet? Quiet boy carry all disruption. Oh thank you. Captain ring now as town clock.

It has fallen to my lot to find a suitable man to coordinate and mastermind our arrangements. As far as i'm concerned, there's only one man who's outstandingly suitable for this task and i'm going to Move over and ask him with your approval, i'm sure to take the chair. Captain george mannering, hey just a minute just a minute.

Why do we have to have him as chairman? Russians, don't want officers and bank managers and all that snobbish rubbish. Well from the inquiries that I had made round the town, it seemed to me that captain mannering was the best choice. Well, I don't agree.

I think we ought to have an Ordinary bloke, a green grocer, or somebody like that. Do we uh do we know a green greaser? Yes me, if there's any dissent, i'll gladly stand down yeah, it's a good idea, i'll. Second, that i'll tell you what captain memory! The simplest thing is for you to vacate the chair, then i'll.

Take the chair and we'll take a vote. Yes, yes, stand by for a quick game of musical chairs. Now, then, all in favor of captain mannering taking the chair raise their hands one two three four! Well, that seems to settle that it's hardly worth counting those against.

Oh, yes, it is oh, very well against one carried by four to one captain mannering will take the chair, which I shall now Vacate. Is it all over? No, of course it isn't. [, Music, ] town clark and I are just changing our positions: not really you've got cramp or something look absurd.

Why are you late? Oh i'm, sorry! It's over there. I thought you said the medium is at half past. I said quarter past you don't listen! There's a seat here, mr wilson.

Oh thank you! Thank you! Yeah! We Just had the best bit audrey's trying to give manna in the elbow sorry. I missed that mr town clark, ladies and gentlemen, there aren't any ladies here: don't you notice order, please? Oh tar i'll have a large scotch we're settled here to honor the russian worker vladislav. The point is he's a hero of the soviet union.

Now, on his goodwill trip he's going to visit, amongst other places, warming to not see, and naturally we should provide some form of official welcome. The thing is uh evening: everybody - i'm sorry i'm late, but it's been one of those days. Yes, all right, john see, I i had a bunch of sausage skins.

What was very diathenous. It was all right when I filled them, but when the ladies cook them the heat caused them to splurge, you see, sir And the ladies. They don't like that sort of thing.

You know, splurging is obnoxious, yes, yes, i'm sure most distressing, as I was about to say what form should I welcome to mr uh, mr this uh. This russian tape come on. I've been given the matter, most careful thought and i'm prepared to offer him a voucher worth ten pounds towards the cost of a funeral Blimey.


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