Organ Mountains 3 Waterfalls New Mexico. Day Hike

Описание к видео Organ Mountains 3 Waterfalls New Mexico. Day Hike

The Organ Mountains are located just east of Las Cruces in southern New Mexico. The name derives from the fact that a major section of the mountains bear semblance to the pipes of an organ. These mountains are volcanic in nature. To the south, a 10-mile wide gap separates the Organs from the Franklin Mountains. On the north side, San Augustin Pass (elevation 5,719 ft.), which U.S. Highway 70 runs through, divides the Organs from the San Andres Mountains. This hike goes to 3 beautiful waterfalls at the end of the Dripping Springs, Fillmore Canyon, and Soledad Canyon trails respectively, while also stopping at the notable La Cueva cave site. This hike was very unique at this time due to the recent heavy rainfall. All 3 canyons had impressive waterfalls and the entire mountain range was so lush and green that one might mistake it for a tropical rainforest if not for the cactus growing everywhere! This hike was 10 miles total with 1000 feet of elevation gain, and 1 15 minute drive in between. Enjoy!


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