Описание к видео QUEEN VS ELDER | Alien VS Predator FIGHT! | WHO WINS?

Who wins when the two most powerful Xenomorph and Predator types face off against each other.
An Alien Queen versus an Elder Predator

The Alien Queen aka the Xenomorph Queen is the leader of a hive, as first seen in aliens from 1986 alien resurrection and alien vs predator (AVP)

Elders are accomplished, long lived Yautja warriors who are distinguished from the Blooded and Elites for their battle prowess or leadership. Often, but not always, an Elder also jointly holds the title of Clan Leader, commanding a Mother Ship.
As Clan Leaders, they oversee the Blooding ritual from afar on the ship, monitoring the Young Bloods’ progress. They determine which planet a hunt will commence on.
Humans who have either assisted or bested a Yautja in combat have been gifted weapons by Elders of clans on at least 2 occasions.
Elder Predators have been seen multiple times across different stories, but the two best known Elders are from the movies Predator 2 and Alien vs Predator.
Elder Predators have been seen with typical Predator weaponry, but sometimes more advanced and ornate than that used by Youngbloods, Blooded, and Elites.
The Elder Predator has the advantages of being smarter, and having years of learned combat experience and techniques.
They also possess ranged weaponry, unlike a Queen.

A Predator Elder is about to go on one last hunt before retirement.
This won’t be any prey he’ll be hunting though; he wants to go out in a blaze of glory.
His final trophy will be an Alien Queen.
The Elder is dropped off, and makes his way inside a hive, stealthily taking out a number of drones undetected as he makes his way deeper into the Xenomorph lair
He enters the main chamber, where he sees towering over everything else, an Alien Queen.

The Queen sees the intruder, and hisses. A number of Warriors set their attention towards him, and begin to advance. Not only this, but some of the Eggs begin to open, and facehuggers crawl out.

But this seasoned Predator is unphased, he has defeated many Xenomorphs during his years, so many, he lost count long ago; mostly during his younger years, but he is just as bold as he ever was.
This time though, he is here just for the Alien Queen
He has come prepared, and pulls out an advanced customised Smart Disc, something lesser Yautja could only dream of possessing, capable of targeting more enemies than any other he’d seen before.
He hurls it, and it glides through the air, cutting down every last Warrior, Facehugger, and Egg.
The Queen screeches in fury, and detaches from her eggsack to kill this intruder who has just killed her entire brood.
He throws the disc and it hits the Queens crest, as he goes to catch it, she swings her tail at him but he dodges, missing the attack, but loses his disc.

#avp #alienromulus #vs

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