How A Professional Sharpener Sharpens Japanese Kitchen Knife Sakai Kyuba Gyuto (Chef's Knife)

Описание к видео How A Professional Sharpener Sharpens Japanese Kitchen Knife Sakai Kyuba Gyuto (Chef's Knife)

Perfecting the technique of sharpening a Japanese kitchen knife with a whetstone is not as difficult as it may seem. Once you've done it a couple of times, it will take you just a few moments to revive your precious blades to their former cutting-edge sharpness. Every time.

Step 1: Prepare Your Whetstone

Before you start sharpening, it's essential to ensure your whetstone is ready for the task ahead. Begin by soaking the stone in water for approximately 10-15 minutes, allowing it to fully saturate and prevent any dry patches during sharpening.

Step 2: Set the Angle

Achieving the perfect angle is vital for sharpening success. For Japanese knives, a standard angle of around 15-20 degrees is recommended. Hold the knife securely and steadily on the stone.

Step 3: Start with Coarse Grit

Now, let's get started. Begin sharpening with the coarse grit side of the whetstone, focusing on restoring the blade's edge. Using gentle, controlled strokes, glide the knife along the stone, working from the base to the tip in fluid motions. Maintain the predetermined angle.

Step 4: Progress to Medium Grit

Once you've established a sharp edge with the coarse grit, it's time to refine and hone with the medium grit side of the whetstone. This stage smooths out any rough edges and further sharpens the blade to precision. Again, maintain consistency in angle and stroke for even sharpening.

Step 5: Finish with Fine Grit

As we approach perfection, switch to the fine grit side of the whetstone for the finishing touches. This stage polishes the blade to a mirror-like sheen, ensuring effortless performance in the kitchen.

Step 6: Test and Refine

With sharpening complete, it's time to put your skills to the test. Carefully assess the blade's sharpness by slicing through a piece of paper or effortlessly gliding through a tomato. If adjustments are necessary, revisit specific grits accordingly until you achieve the desired results.

Sharpening a Japanese kitchen knife with a whetstone is both an art and a science—a timeless tradition steeped in precision and expertise. you'll soon master its technique.

Grab one of our stones in and give it a try.


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