Ravneet Bhalla's OIL-FREE lacto-fermented hummus Recipe (PROBIOTIC FOODS IN INDIA)

Описание к видео Ravneet Bhalla's OIL-FREE lacto-fermented hummus Recipe (PROBIOTIC FOODS IN INDIA)

Oil-free hummus and pita bread are a match made in haven. but lacto Fermentation takes this combination to another level. I see fermentation as a magical journey in which flavors transform into addiction. Fermentation is a magical way to preserve foods that you are able to otherwise. The depth of flavor is to die for. The end result is a deeply flavor-forward ferment, packed with beneficial bacteria. #lactofermentationinindia #probioticsinindia #probioticfoodsinindia
Can you ferment hummus?
Absolutely, you can ferment hummus and enjoy healthy flavorful probiotics with sourdough pita bread. I enjoyed this combination. I am sure you too will relish this fermented hummus.
Can you eat fermented chickpeas?
I ferment chickpeas and use it as hummus.
What does lacto fermented mean?
Lacto fermentation is a method to ferment food to introduce good gut bacteria. When food is fermented, it involves breakdown of sugars, starches, and proteins, making food easier to absorb in the gut. Research finds fermentation reduces flatulence causing factors in legumes while improving their protein digestibility as molecular sized proteins are broken down into peptides and amino acids. Fermentation improves the bioavailability of food.
Springer research has cited benefits of chickpeas and ferments.

Is hummus a probiotic?
Hummus is not a probiotic on its own. But if you choose to lacto ferment it, hummus does become a probiotic food for gut health.
How to make hummus?
If you do not want to try out lacto-fermented hummus, stop at the step we try to ferment the thing. You may or may not add olive oil for authentic hummus flavor.
How to ferment chickpeas?
Soaking and cooking chickpeas are the first two important steps. Now you might as: why soaking is important for legumes, lentils, millets, and grains. Well, soaking cuts cooking time. Additionally, it reduces phytic acid in legumes.If you try to make hummus with uncooked chickpeas, there is a risk of the legumes going bad an catching mold and bad bacteria.
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#lactofermentedhummus #oilfreehummus #gutfriendly #foodforguthealth


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