
Описание к видео 【写実絵画】画家・藤田貴也氏の作品・自身に迫る11の質問

「いろいろ 色の魔法 色から見える写実」開催

本企画展の開催へ向け、作家・ 藤田貴也さんのアトリエへお伺いしました。

0:07 今作のコンセプト
0:48 手の仕草など不完全な表現(ポーズ)の意図
1:45 無機質な生物画を描かれた理由
2:55 作品のこだわりや技法
3:25 写実絵画を志したきっかけ
4:23 衝撃を受けた作品
6:17 アトリエのこだわり
6:42 一息つく瞬間
7:22 創作のアイデア
8:09 創作のときは何を聴いているか
8:39 今後の作品について 行きたい場所

ホキ美術館「いろいろ 色の魔法 色から見える写実」

出品作家 :
青木敏郎 石黒賢一郎 大畑稔浩 小尾修 五味文彦 島村信之 塩谷亮 諏訪敦 羽田裕 原雅幸 廣戸絵美 藤田貴也 藤原秀一 三重野慶 森本草介(五十音順) 

特設サイト https://www.hoki-museum.info/ 
オフィシャルサイト https://www.hoki-museum.jp/

[Realist Painting] 11 questions with artist Takaya Fujita about his works and also to reveal about himself.

Realist paintings, exhibition structured on theme of colors.
"Iroiro magic of colors - realism you can find by colors" is now open.

Due to an opening of this exhibition, we were able to visit artist Takaya Fujita at his studio to hear about his work and himself.
He told us he tries to move his body physically such as go running and that's how he gets ready to face his works and paintings as a routine.  
How and why he selected the works for this exhibition and the concept of it, and out of hundreds of ways to paint, why did he choose realist painting.
We were able to hear many things such as what works of art shocked him, how he comes up with ideas and many more.

0:07 Concept of this work
0:48 The intention of a figure (pose) which is incomplete such as action of the hands
1:45 Reason to draw an inorganic biological painting
2:55 Important factors and techniques used on the works
3:25 Reason to start drawing by realist paintings
4:23 Works that you were shocked by
6:17 Important things about the studio
6:42 About a moment to exhale
7:22 Idea of creativity
8:09 What to listen when focusing on the work
8:39 Hereafter on works    Places you'd like to go

#ホキ美術館 #hokimuseum #写実絵画 #美術館


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