Maria Ilie - Something’s Got a Hold on Me (song by Christina Aguilera)

Описание к видео Maria Ilie - Something’s Got a Hold on Me (song by Christina Aguilera)


În cadrul emisiunii "Vedeta Familiei" (Ediția Campionilor) difuzată de TVR, Maria Ilie a interpretat melodia "Something’s Got a Hold on Me," un cântec popularizat de Christina Aguilera. Spectacolul a avut loc într-un decor elegant și festiv, specific competițiilor de talente organizate de postul național de televiziune.

Maria Ilie a urcat pe scenă încrezătoare și plină de energie. Cu o prezență scenică captivantă, ea a reușit să transmită emoția și puterea piesei printr-o interpretare vocală impresionantă. În acompaniamentul unui band live, vocea ei puternică și expresivă a reușit să capteze atenția publicului și a juriului deopotrivă.

Coregrafia și luminile au completat spectacolul, accentuând momentele cheie ale piesei și contribuind la o experiență vizuală dinamică și plină de viață. Publicul a fost vizibil impresionat, răsplătind-o pe Maria Ilie cu aplauze puternice la finalul performanței.

Interpretarea Mariei Ilie a fost una memorabilă, demonstrându-i talentul și abilitatea de a se conecta cu audiența, continuând să construiască o carieră promițătoare în muzică.


During the "Vedeta Familiei" (Champions Edition) show broadcasted on TVR, Maria Ilie performed the song "Something’s Got a Hold on Me," popularized by Christina Aguilera. The event took place in an elegant and festive setting, characteristic of talent competitions organized by the national television station.

Maria Ilie took the stage confidently and with high energy. With a captivating stage presence, she managed to convey the emotion and power of the song through an impressive vocal performance. Accompanied by a live band, her powerful and expressive voice captured the attention of both the audience and the judges.


… Oh-oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah (yeah)
I get a feeling that I never, never, never, never had before, no, no (yeah)
And I just gotta tell you right now that I (ooh)
I believe, I really do believe that
Something's got a hold on me, yeah (oh, it must be love)
Oh-ooh, something's got a hold on me right now, child (oh, it must be love)
… Let me tell you now
I got a feeling, I feel so strange
Everything about me seems to have changed
Step by step, I got a brand-new walk
I even sound sweeter when I talk
… I said oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh)
I said, baby
Oh, it must be love (you know it must be love)
… Let me tell you know
Something's got a hold on me, yeah (oh, it must be love)
Oh-oh, something's got a hold on me right now, child (oh, it must be love)
… Let me tell you now
I've never felt like this before
Something's got a hold on me that won't let go
Believe I'd die if I only could
I sure feel strange, but it sure feels good
… I said oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh)
I said, baby
Oh, it must be love (you know it must be love)
… Let me tell you now
My heart feels heavy, my feet feel light
I shake all over, but I feel alright
I've never felt like this before
Something's got a hold on me that won't let go
… I never thought it could happen to me
Got me heavy without the misery
I never thought it could be this way
Love's sure gonna put a hurting on me
… I said oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh), oh (oh)
I said, baby
Oh, it must be love (you know it must be love)
… Yeah, he walks like love (you know he walks like love)
He talks like love (you know he talks like love)
Makes me feel alright (makes me feel alright)
In the middle of the night (in the middle of the night)
… La-la-la-la (la-la-la-la)
Na-la-la-la (na-la-la-la)
Oh, yeah, yeah (oh-oh-oh-oh)
Hey, oh, yeah (oh-oh-oh-oh)
Hey, yeah

The choreography and lighting complemented the performance, highlighting key moments of the song and contributing to a dynamic and lively visual experience. The audience was visibly impressed, rewarding Maria Ilie with strong applause at the end of her performance.

Maria Ilie's rendition was memorable, showcasing her talent and ability to connect with the audience, further establishing her promising career in music.


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