Maria Ilie - I See Red (Song by Everybody Loves An Outlaw)

Описание к видео Maria Ilie - I See Red (Song by Everybody Loves An Outlaw)


În acest videoclip captivant, Maria Ilie își pune în valoare talentul interpretativ în cadrul emisiunii Vedeta Familiei de la TVR. În ediția specială a Campionilor, Maria Ilie aduce în prim-plan melodia "I See Red" a celor de la Everybody Loves An Outlaw. Cu o voce captivantă și emoționantă, Maria Ilie interpretează cu pasiune și intensitate, captivând publicul și creând o atmosferă plină de emoție și profunzime. Cu o prezență scenică fermecătoare și o conexiune autentică cu melodia, Maria Ilie impresionează prin expresivitatea sa și abilitatea de a transmite puternicele emoții ale piesei. Această interpretare memorabilă aduce un plus de farmec și sensibilitate universului muzical, demonstrând talentul incontestabil al artistei într-o performanță care rămâne întipărită în inimile și mințile auditoriului.


In this captivating video, Maria Ilie showcases her interpretative talent on the TVR show Vedeta Familiei. In the special Champions Edition, Maria Ilie brings to the forefront the song "I See Red" by Everybody Loves An Outlaw. With a captivating and emotive voice, Maria Ilie passionately interprets the song, captivating the audience and creating an atmosphere full of emotion and depth. With a charming stage presence and an authentic connection to the song, Maria Ilie impresses with her expressiveness and ability to convey the powerful emotions of the piece. This memorable performance adds charm and sensitivity to the musical universe, demonstrating the undeniable talent of the artist in a performance that remains ingrained in the hearts and minds of the audience.


Did you really think, I'd just forgive and forget, no
After catching you with her
Your blood should run cold, so cold
You, you two-timing, cheap-lying, wannabe
You're a fool, if you thought that I'd just let this go
I see red, red, oh red
A gun to your head, head, to your head
Now all I see is red, red, red
Did you really just say, she didn't mean anything, oh
I'll remember those words, when I come for your soul, your soul
Know that you, you dug your own grave, now lie in it
You're so cruel, but revenge is a dish best served cold
I see red, red, oh red
A gun to your head, head, to your head, oh
Executioner style, and there won't be no trial
Don't you know that you're better off dead
All I see is red, red, oh red
Now all I see is
Run, hide
Oh, you're so done
Oh, better sleep with one eye open tonight
I see red, red, oh red, oh
A gun to your head, head, to your head, oh
Executioner style, and there won't be no trial
Don't you know that you're better off dead
All I see is red, red, oh red
Now all I see is red, red


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