Back from the Brink - The fight to save the western beautiful firetail

Описание к видео Back from the Brink - The fight to save the western beautiful firetail

The chestnut-rumped heathwren, southern emu-wren, and western beautiful firetail are nationally threatened species that inhabit dense heathy or swampy shrublands in the Hills and Fleurieu region. They face ongoing declines caused by habitat loss.

Through the ‘Back from the Brink’ project, Landscapes Hills and Fleurieu has been reducing immediate extinction risks and improving the long-term viability of these species.

Join our regional ecologist Luke Price, and bird expert Graham Carpenter, as they talk about heathland revegetation for threatened birds and the fight to save the western beautiful firetail.

The Back from the Brink project is delivered by the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board through funding from the Australian Government and the Landscape Levy.


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