The Greatest CCB1 aZLing Clear That Never Happened

Описание к видео The Greatest CCB1 aZLing Clear That Never Happened

I went on a trip to China for vacation with family, so there was not enough time to grind the rng cause we did not want to buy data. In other words, I could only play late at night with the hotel wifi which sucks. I could also not bring my laptop since that would be a bit too much stuff to bring (especially on vacation), so I played on mobile which I was not used to. Timings were so much more frustrating without pause deploy to look at the dp bar and well, this is the remanents of the best run... :salute:

This clear was basically an optimization of CN's 510 pt clear which is pretty easy to do without rng, but adding atk down makes it pretty hell, but that is the only thing that could really be done here since car risks and fire risks literally suck (unless I pull an Iberiaknight type of Irene usage but that's nearly impossible, needs a lot of Heavyrain dodges maybe copium).
CN 510:

Sorry for the double upload, I had to replace the thumbnail a little, it was for the memes. This upload also totally was not done intentionally to line up with the US presidential debates, that was just an accident lmao.

Music Used (this song is very fitting isn't it?)
Gran Colombia Theme - Medieval (Civilization 6 OST) | Velo Que Bonito, Reir Llorando, Pajarillo


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