4 lessons from a healthy vegan meal planning pro

Описание к видео 4 lessons from a healthy vegan meal planning pro

Brigitte Gemme started planning healthy vegan meals in her Vegan Family Kitchen in 2017. She shares her multi-year journey in healthy vegan meal planning for her family and hundreds of others. She offers practical advice on successful meal planning, including the importance of batch cooking, how to use staple ingredients in versatile ways, and cooking mindfully to learn the patterns. She emphasize that while diversity is great, keeping to familiar forms and recipes makes cooking less complicated and more enjoyable. Interestingly, Brigitte remarks that summer cooking tends to be more involved due to the abundance of fresh produce.

To learn more about the Vegan Meal Plans (there are both family and mini versions available), visit: https://veganfamilykitchen.com.

00:02 Introduction to Vegan Meal Planning
00:33 The Journey of Creating Vegan Meal Plans
01:13 The Evolution of the Meal Plans
02:03 The Importance of Feedback and Continuous Improvement
02:28 The Final Product: A Comprehensive Vegan Meal Plan
03:10 Four Key Lessons from Vegan Meal Planning
03:22 The Role of Diversity and Standard Recipes in Meal Planning
06:31 The Importance of Paying Attention and Learning While Cooking
08:03 The Differences Between Summer and Winter Cooking
09:57 Final Thoughts and Advice on Vegan Meal Planning
10:14 Invitation to Join the Vegan Family Kitchen Community
10:54 Cooking is love in action


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