Artist Nancy Rynes takes you on a tour of the colors she uses in her paintings.

Описание к видео Artist Nancy Rynes takes you on a tour of the colors she uses in her paintings.

Welcome to my art studio! Today I am going to take you on a tour of the core colors that I normally use in my paintings. I will introduce you to my regulars: reds, yellows, and blues. Then I will show you modifiers, and we will finish by discussing grays.

No, I don't have a Gamblin sponsorship. I bought all of these colors myself, with my own funds. But I like #GamblinColors and use them almost exclusively because of their high quality, reasonable price point, and they are (relatively) local to me. I prefer to buy products that are made as close to home as possible to minimize shipping. There are other brands of paint just as good as Gamblin. Look for artist-grade or professional quality paints and you won't go wrong.

For more information about me, my artwork, full-length demos, and classes, please see:




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