Chrono Trigger DS [Optional Boss 15] Alabaster Shade

Описание к видео Chrono Trigger DS [Optional Boss 15] Alabaster Shade

► Playlist with bosses:

Boss battle begins at 00:45

Marle must come to this fight and Alabaster Shade has immunity to Water attacks, so be careful with your team picking.

Marle isn't an offensive powerhouse to begin with and most of her Double Techs tend to be Water based, so your two other party members will probably do the heavy lifting here. Lucca and/or Magus are HIGHLY recommended for this fight since Eternal Darkness (Dark Eternal), Dark Matter and Flare will tear Alabaster Shade a new one.

Alabaster Shade comes by herself to fight you but in a sharp contrast to Marle her Icefall tech does A LOT of Water damage, Marle has Auto-Barrier (1/3 magic damage reduction) AND Mermaid Helm (1/2 Water damage reduction) and still loses a third of her health to that thing, Frog and Ayla would be one-shot or nearly one shot by her, that's how dangerous Alabaster Shade is.


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