[GTFO] [ALT://R6D2 SEC] duo

Описание к видео [GTFO] [ALT://R6D2 SEC] duo

DMR // Heavy Assault Rifle // Burst Sentry
Carbine // High Caliber Pistol // Burst Sentry
Game version: R8 Patch-2024-03-07

Solo (main-only):    • [GTFO] [ALT://R6D2] solo  

This mission is a little boring to do in a team of four, but duo/solo it's a lot more interesting. I had fun running it solo several months ago, trying to figure out the best path through the level and the best loadout to deal with the threats I'd face along the way. I could only do main, SEC was too much for me solo. Surprisingly, it was not the corrupted uplink with chargers that stopped me, but the unassuming (but highly deadly) class 4 flyer alarm. It just spawns so many on you. I tried various weapons, tools, I tried long kiting away and foaming/mining the doors on the way back, but I just couldn't get past the flyer alarm.

Idiotnet and I tried it duo once a couple months back, but we also just wiped on the flyer alarm. This time it went much more smoothly.

I think two burst sentries is a key to minimizing pain on the flyer alarm (along with weapons that can deal with flyers, too, such as DMR, sawed-off, HCP, and to an extent HAR). On our attempt months ago we had brought mines, thinking to use it for the corrupted uplink and all the blood doors.

I tried running pump shotgun at first here, I was really hoping it would finally have a moment to shine (doing babies, mothers, charger scouts, kinda-somewhat-chargers, kinda flyers). Sadly, it didn't work out. I like pump shotgun, since DMR and pump shotgun was my go-to solo loadout in ALT://R2. But since then, so many weapons have been added to the game or rebalanced that I feel there's never a time where pump shotgun would shine. There's always a better tool for the job, and if you want something versatile like pump shotgun, HCP is also versatile and generally better. Especially since sawed off is kinda just a better pump shotgun in main slot.

We had a failed attempt where we used checkpoint before, it seems this mission got somewhat bugged as a result, because the ending timer says it took over 2 hours, there's "ghost" resource pickup prompts around (34:50), and on the previous run there was smol ammopack https://files.catbox.moe/7rb7y7.jpg

i forgot tank door opens automatically at 45:00 and got scared

with this upload, there are only 5 missions that I have yet to do solo/duo. https://files.catbox.moe/enp37h.jpg

0:00 Drop
4:00 Fight Mother + Babies
7:07 Blood Door (babies)
9:01 Blood Door (giants)
11:32 Class T Alarm (chargers)
20:35 bonk!
23:30 Blood Door (giants)
32:02 Class IV M Alarm (flyers, so many flyers)
43:05 Corrupted Uplink (5-code, chargers)
45:00 Tank
51:53 Class III Alarm (chargers)
54:22 Charger Scout Nest
1:09:35 Pull z201-A (x2 mothers)
1:15:11 Pull z202-A (x1 mother)
1:17:20 Pull z202-B (x1 mother)
1:20:09 Error Alarm (chargers)


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