Black Desert: Pit of the Undying - Kauha

Описание к видео Black Desert: Pit of the Undying - Kauha

tl;dw - kill the real boss; kill elites at same time

The real boss of this fight is a suspiciously behaving skeleton. Kauha respawns endlessly when killed, so don't waste your time focusing him.

At 66% HP, the real boss disappears, he reappears if both elite mobs die within a short time window. Elites respawn endlessly if you fail this mechanic.

The elite with the shield takes massively reduced damage from the direction it faces, indicated by the "BLOCK" effect when attacked.

At 33% HP, the real boss disappears again, now you do the previous mechanic with 4 elites. If you struggle with this part, try getting the shielded elites low first, then DPS the bigger elites away from them.

Recommended AP: 261 with Kutum
AP cap: 500 (0% further AP effectiveness)

Song used: Another Sunrise by Amelie Leclerc


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