Black Desert: Pit of the Undying - Duran

Описание к видео Black Desert: Pit of the Undying - Duran

tl;dw - play Simon

Note: this fight was recorded before boss HP nerf

Duran's mechanic is a game of Simon. You must copy the CCs he uses on you and use them on him. You can make the fight easier by taking out your CC-resist crystals for this fight so that you don't resist his CCs.

The Simon minigame starts when Duran starts to glow red.

For the first mechanic Duran uses stiffness CC and then float CC on me. I used Lightning Storm for stiffness and then Detonative Flow for float.

Succeeding the mechanic will give you a DPS phase. Failing the mechanic will cause Duran to become almost unkillable for the rest of the fight. He also stops playing Simon with you. It's still possible to kill Duran if you fail but you're more likely to run out of time (10 min) and lose.

Duran repeats the Simon mechanic twomore times, using 2 random CCs each time. If you burn his HP too slowly, he might stand up and fight you until the next mechanic phase.

For the second mechanic Duran uses knockback CC then stun CC on me. I returned the favor with a float then a stun.

Knockback and Float CCs can be used interchangeably against Duran by design because some classes don't have PVE knockback. Bound and Knockdown CCs are NOT interchangeable for Duran mechanic.

Recommended AP: 269 with Kutum
AP Cap: 644 (0% further AP effectiveness)

Song used: Horizontal Flare by Alexander Nakaraka


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