"NATO 75: Past, Present & Future – 1949-2024"

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DAY 1 I Session I - Leangkollen Security Conference 2024 - NATO 75: Past, Present & Future

NATO will mark its 75th anniversary at the Washington Summit next July against a backdrop of multiple crises and conflicts. Most prominently, Russia’s war in Ukraine has had wide sweeping consequences, both for the security in Europe, as well as for the future global order. NATO’s ability to protect its members by adapting to changing geopolitical landscapes has been the essence of the Alliance, shown most recently through both the united support for Ukraine as well as the Nordic enlargement. Moving forward, what specific initiatives should the Washington Summit take to meet the challenges of a more competitive age? The war in Ukraine also impacts US leadership in an era of increasing great power competition. How will the Russian war against Ukraine continue to affect the transatlantic relationship, and what impact will a new US administration have on NATO as a military Alliance? The NATO enlargement in Northern Europe has fundamentally changed the security dynamic of NATO’s Northern flank and around Norway more specifically. How should Norway adapt to a new security environment?

Opening Address
Jonas Gahr Støre, Prime Minister of Norway

NATO on the Road to the Washington Summit
Stian Jenssen, Director Private Office of the Secretary General of NATO

What Does the US Expect From its European Allies?
Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller, Director & Senior Fellow, Center on the United States and Europe, Brookings Institution. Fritz Stern Chair on Germany and Trans-Atlantic Relations

NATO Through Time – Over 40 Years as a Foreign Correspondent
Steven Erlanger, Chief Diplomatic Correspondent in Europe for The New York Times

Discussion and Q&A


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