Building a Reading Routine | Digital Book Tracker | Pomodoro 25/5 | Making Cold Noodles | VLOG Daily

Описание к видео Building a Reading Routine | Digital Book Tracker | Pomodoro 25/5 | Making Cold Noodles | VLOG Daily

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In July and August, I sorted out the books I planned to read. I bought a template online to track my reading progress and started using pomodoro timers to help me stay more focused while reading. Based on my progress chart, I stopped making progress around 70% for many books. And there are several books like this that I’m reading at the same time.

So I've been thinking recently that it seems that for me many things always become difficult to persist after reaching halfway. The closer it gets to the end, the harder it is to finish it. I also found myself always give in to easiness. Whenever I see the first sign of difficulty, fatigue, boredom, or busyness. I would think of pausing it or giving up immediately.

Though I still really wish reading could be an effortless task, the book Amusing Ourselves to Death has taught me that learning and thinking should not be an easy task as all. It should be a hard-fought victory.

Therefore starting the end of this summer, I choose to start reading each book and then stick to it till the end.

Books are possibilities and escape routes.
When you have no choice, books might just offer you one.

#silentvlog #dailyvlog #reading #pomodoro #aesthetic

IG:   / yyying.zhou  
RED小红书: 周嘤嘤嘤


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