GBO2: Phenex [NT], Impact Site

Описание к видео GBO2: Phenex [NT], Impact Site

Another Phenex [NT] video! This time on Impact Site!

This Map is another solid Map for Phenex, you can play both the range game and melee game on this map. Impact Site has become more shooty as time has gone on. So you might want to run more aggressive builds with higher damage, and thrust then melee defense. Keep in mind Melee still exists at this cost however... This map at 700 Is, well... A mix bag to say the least. You CAN have good matches, However most of the time it will be a one sided match. Most of the time either you or your opponent will be stomped at 700, This is part of the reason why people don't like the cost. I like it, but it does still need balance changes. (IM LOOKING AT YOU STEIN!)

This map also needs, in my opinion, a change. The map mostly favors A side over B. As its easier to entrap B side and keep them there, where as A its easier to be aggressive and/or defensive. A side also has 3 easier routes from their base to escape, where as B side for their escape its much more of a risk to do it as its more open.

In this Fight you see me balance aggro and passiveness. I shoot as much as I possibly can, but I get dirty when able. I also try to time my NT-D activation in a favorable time, so I'm not caught horribly out of position when I trigger it. Remember! Don't be afraid to scratch the paint. You got a hanger with mechanics for a reason!


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