GBO2: FF Nu, Impact Site [DOUBLE FIGHT]

Описание к видео GBO2: FF Nu, Impact Site [DOUBLE FIGHT]

TWO FF Nu on Impact Site! One with the Bazooka and one With the BR. This is a experiment video. Sometimes i get 2 really good matches back to back on the same map with the same suit. When this happens I will upload the fights in 1 video. It also helps if its the same suit with different weapons.

To star; Its kit is similar to Normal Nu's kit, but with a few obvious changes. You lose the 6 funnels Nu has for 1 long funnel that can lock on the same way the normal funnels can. You lose the funnel shield that absorbed ranged fire in exchange for a ranged x2 shot fire with x4 shots before OH, OR a heavy stagger shot when the funnel is charged fully then OH. You still keep the shield beam shot, and the x4 missile. However the missiles fire x2 in rapid fire, compared to the 1 x4 shots that Normal Nu has. The Vulcans are also really good, lettign you funnel into Vulcans to chase someone down, even the recently buffed Kshatriya or FAZZ.

The biggest change is the rifle and bazooka. The BR stuns faster compared to the Normal Nu Rifle, but has a shorter rapid fire range. It can still full charge to fire for a ranged stun. The Bazooka gives FF Nu the ability to boost and fire, similar to how Sinanju's special skill lets it boost and fire with its BR, only difference is that Sinanju can stop all MA when the skill is active as long as its boosting, FF Nu cant. In exchange FF Nu can be much more aggressive with its plays with this bazooka compared to your standard raid. A downswing is guaranteed off of a bazooka shot when timed correctly, since you are boosting to them already and your MA is in effect. So you can bazooka into DS into whatever combo you prefer. You also get a melee heavy attack, that has a large AOE (area of Effect) as you spin around and kick for its animation. The kick is part of the heavy, so its not just the saber that needs to make contact. This lets you hit everyone near you, at any direction as long as they are in the AoE. You can also guarantee a Heavy attack after a Heavy stagger or tackle. Abuse this!

You can play both the ranged game or melee close combat game, though its recommended to play close if you play with bazooka. This suit also shreds the base much faster then initially thought. If you have a team of 4 or 5 of these you can destroy the base in 15 seconds or less. I'm not joking, this suit melts bases its insane. Do bear in mind that this suit is much more fragile then other Raids at 700, that's its key weakness.

So Its been about a month since FF Nu Dropped on PS4/5. With that it has become meta, about the same as Stein actually. While Stein is a simple to play suit, You don't get reusable Heavy like FF Nu gets, You also get way more options for your kit instead of the basic four. So you aren't in awkward moments of reloading when fighting. It has happened to me a few time son Stein. your Funnel is a great harassing tool that doesn't force you to get close. Steins strongest point is its suitability, that 50% HP buff that deceases melee damage, while increase its melee attack, and Ms speed is huge. Nu doesn't get any bonuses till 30% HP. which if your unlucky can be useless if you die before you can even use it to its full advantage.

Overall this suit is a real solid pick if you want to be a team player. Stein is a greedy suit, where as FF Nu is a work with the team suit. With the suit coming to PC now, I expect more people to have questions about this suit and how to play it. That's mostly the point of this video, to help you guys learn suits. I love FF Nu, more then Stein, its more fun to play.

In fight 1 with the bazooka you see me be aggressive as possible, the bazooka boost to fire lets you do this, jut be very careful around a Sinanju, Moon, or Sazabi. Those three can stop you, then shred you pretty easily if they get the shot. Especially Moon with its plates. In fight two you see me play more passive till I notice the two supports, THIS is the fight you want the bazooka, I probably would of gotten more if I did have it, oh well. You still see me play with the Br aggressively. Not charging it most of the time and doing the rapid shots to stun them faster. Funnel into BR helps a lot in this regard.

0:00 Nu FF W/Bazooka
9:32 Nu FF W/Beam Rifle


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