205. The Essence of Ribhu Gita - Part 1

Описание к видео 205. The Essence of Ribhu Gita - Part 1

Rendered by Ms Ruchika Kapur. The Ribhu Gita forms the sixth section of the Sanskrit work known as Siva Rahasya. It is the teachings of Lord Siva in Mount Kailas to His devotee RIBHU, from whom the Gita derives its name.
The Ribhu Gita was translated into Tamil verse by a Brahmin Vedic scholar of high repute, by name
Bikshu Sastri who was also an accomplished scholar in Tamil. He translated the work under the name of Ulaganatha Swami, and because of his efforts attained renowned fame among the Tamil-devotees of Siva.
The Tamil version is a free translation of the original Sanskrit text, consisting of 1924 verses of
such scintillating brilliance that Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi re-commended its recital as a
strong support for spiritual sadhana. He used to say that the recital itself leads to spontaneous
abidance in the SELF.
The book presented herewith consists of 122 verses from the original Tamil work, being a free
translation into English prose, conveying the essence of the original, rather than a mere mechanical
word for word translation.
Reading of this English text alone will not be complete unless it is supported by vigorous sadhana
with the help of a realized teacher.
It is the earnest hope and prayer that after reading this English text, devotees all over
the world would make the pilgrimage to Tiruvannamalai, and complete their sadhana in the immediate presence of Lord Arunachala-Siva and Sat-Guru Ramana enshrined in His Samadhi in Sri
Selection and English Translation
Hard copy of this book can be bought from Sri Ramanasramam,
TIRUV ANNAMALAI - 606 603, Tamilnadu, India.
Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya


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