
Описание к видео 【料理人がつくる大根の煮物は何故?形が良く中まで味が染みているのか?】料理人が普段している大根の煮物の下処理と煮方を丁寧に説明します!

★チャンネル登録 グッドボタンも宜しくお願いします!

【Why do chefs make simmered daikon? Why is the taste soaked into the inside of the daikon?】
The chef will carefully explain how to prepare daikon radish stew, which is what the chef usually does!
The microwave pre-boiler, which is now a trendy and quick process...
It is very quick and ideal when you are short on time, but it loses the original texture and taste of daikon,
However, it often loses the original texture and taste of daikon and is overcooked, causing the daikon to fall apart.
I will teach you how to prepare daikon radish to maximize its flavor, which is what chefs do when they make daikon stew.
★Check out the summary section for more details on how to make it and what to look out for!☟
★In this channel, we will distribute recipes and tips for cooking food that you will enjoy!
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大根         半分
豚バラブロック  300g
辛子         適
水       1000cc
酒        450cc
砂糖        80g
しょうゆ      80cc
Half a daikon radish
300g pork belly block
Hot pepper, to taste
(Daikon radish cooked in a pot)
1000cc water
450cc sake
80 g sugar
80cc soy sauce
① 大根を5センチほどの長さにカットします。
② 外側の硬い皮を剥きます。
③ 煮崩れを防ぐ為 面取りをします。
④ 少し大き目の鍋に入れて、予め用意したお米のとぎ汁をタップリ入れ
⑤ 大根によって下茹で時間は変わってしまいますが、竹串を使って大根の硬さを確認します。※今回は1時間下茹でをしました。
⑥ 大根を水にさらし、表面についた米糠を洗い流します。
⑦ 油を使わずに、豚バラブロックをフライパンで焼きます。
⑧ 大根と豚バラを大き目な鍋に入れて、水と酒を注ぎます
⑨ 豚バラ肉に火が入ったら、砂糖を入れ15分煮ます。
⑩ しょうゆを入れて30分間煮ます。
⑪ 火を止めて涼しい所で翌日まで保管(24時間)、もしくは常温まで冷まして冷蔵庫で保管します。
⑫ 翌日、豚肉を鍋に戻してから温めます
⑬ 器に盛り付けて、お好みで辛子を添えます。
【How to make...】
① Cut radish into 5 cm lengths.
② Remove the outer hard skin.
③ Chamfer the fish to prevent it from falling apart.
④ Put the daikon into a slightly larger pot and pour in the rice water prepared in advance.
Boil the daikon until it becomes soft.
⑤  Although the pre-boiling time will vary depending on the radish, check the hardness of the radish using a bamboo skewer. This time, we pre-boiled for 1 hour.
⑥ Soak the radishes in water and rinse off any rice bran on the surface.
⑦ Grill the pork belly block in a pan without oil.
⑧ Put radish and pork belly in a large pot and pour water and sake.
⑨ When pork belly is cooked, add sugar and simmer for 15 minutes.
⑩ Add soy sauce and simmer for 30 minutes.
⑪ Turn off the heat and store in a cool place until the next day (24 hours), or cool to room temperature and store in the refrigerator.
⑫ The next day, return the pork to the pot before warming it up.
⑬ 器に盛り付けて、お好みで辛子を添えます。
① 大根によって、軟らかくなる時間が違います。特に夏の大根は、軟らかくなるまで時間が掛かります。
② 大根を軟らかく下茹でし、竹串を刺して抵抗が少なく刺さればOK
③ 豚バラ肉は程よい脂の物を選び、赤身が霜降りになっている物をおすすめします。
④ 豚バラ肉の4面を強めに焼きます。中は生でも大丈夫です。
⑤ 肉に火が入ってから、砂糖 しょうゆは入れてください。
⑥ 下茹で時に大根が硬かった場合 動画で煮ている時間を終了したら 一度常温まで冷まし、再度火を付けて沸かして火を止めると中まで味が染み込みます。
【Makeup points】
① Softening time differs depending on the radish. Summer radishes, in particular, take longer to soften.
② If the daikon was hard when it was pre-boiled ⑥ If the daikon was hard when it was pre-boiled After the simmering time in the video is finished, let it cool down to room temperature and then turn the heat back on to bring it to a boil and turn off the heat to allow the flavor to soak through to the inside of the daikon.

  / papascooking1  
   / @papascooking_foods_creator  
PAPA‘S COOKINGのYoutubeホームのリンクはこちら↓↓↓
   / @papascooking_foods_creator  


I supervise the development of grand menus and new dishes for famous restaurants in Tokyo, and
I work as a chef and creator, including concept plans for new restaurants.
I have experience working overseas and continue to research cuisine from a global perspective.
On my days off, I cook and serve my family!

[email protected]

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