Ural Music Camp 2021 - Short Documentary

Описание к видео Ural Music Camp 2021 - Short Documentary

Ural Music Camp 2021 faced many challenges due to the ongoing pandemic. Despite short term travel regulations, the interantional team found new ways of making UMC possible in a new and hybrid form. In this short documentary you can see how they achieved this, what the outcome looked like and and how the team and the participants feel about their experience.

All music in this film was written and performed by UMC participants during the one week camp.

Director of Photography Germany: Georg Kruggel
Audio & Streaming Germany: Tobias Schmidt
Camera & Streaming Russia: Снято нами & ProfiStream
Editing & Colorgrading: Eugen Langolf

A big hug goes out to everybody involved in making this happen and of course to all the participants, who were open to explore new hybrid and digital possibilities while keeping spirits high.

A project by:
Center of Social Monitoring and Youth Issues
Stichting Music Moves
OSTAR Music Network

Supported by:
Auswärtiges Amt
фонд президентских грантов
министерство молодёжной политики
ДКЖ Екатеринбург

The project was part of:
Deutschlandjahr in Russland 2020 / 2021

Special Thanks to:
Ural Music Night Festival
Popakademie Baden-Württemberg
Die Stimmgabel Mannheim
Feeling Agentur Mannheim


Информация по комментариям в разработке