Ural Music Camp - Documentary 2020 (Official)

Описание к видео Ural Music Camp - Documentary 2020 (Official)

Over the last 3 years a team of European and Russian creatives created the Ural Music Camp in Yekaterinburg (Russia) with the goal to offer talented people a platform for their work, provide access to specialist knowledge and find new ways of evaluating their creative potential.

http://uralmusiccamp.com/ //// https://ostarmusicnetwork.com/
@uralmusiccamp //// @ostarmusicnetwork

Each year, Ural Music Camp gives 50 Russian musicians and people working in the music industry the possibility to come together for one week and simulate the process of the music industry. Creating original songs in new formations with people they’ve never met before, recording and performing these songs, and developing a marketing strategy for their new material. Additionally all Alumni become part of an international network of creatives truly connecting East and West.
This documentary shows interviews and impressions gained over the last 2 years giving insights into the teams motivation, participants stories and the long term effect of the programme.

Ural Music Camp is a collaboration between the Centre for Social Monitoring and Youth Issues (RUS), Stichting Music Moves (NL) and OSTAR Music Network (GER/AT). The project developed out of a grass-root idea from creatives from all over Europe and Russia following a collective vision.

People involved in building this project togehter:
Alexander Braunbarth, Anastasia Postnikova, Anna Negrei, Arsenii Negodiaev, Ekaterina Kiseeva, Ekaterina Pologova, Ekaterina Shubenko, Eugeni Gorenburg, Grigorii Kolmogorov, Ivo Schot, Konstantin Ponomarev, La Cris, Lena Davydova, Leonid Aptekar, Louis Puggaard-Müller, Lubov Bondarenko, Natalia Shmelkova, Polina Terechina, Ruslan Tagirov, Rutger Martens, Senia Smirnova, Stefan Wandel, Svetlana Lednova, Tatiana Nikonova, Thomas Woschitz

Partners & Support over the last 3 years:
Angelo by Vienna House Ekaterinburg, Auswärtiges Amt, Department of Youth Policy, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Generalkonsulat Bundesrepublik Deutschland Jekaterinburg, Popakademie Baden-Württemberg, Presidental Grants Foundation, Rosmolodezh, Ural Music Night Festival, W.E.Jansenfonds

Special Thanks to Konstantin Ponomarev for bringing everybody together in the first place and always pushing us further in the last years!

Directed, Filmed & Edited by Eugen Langolf
Additional Footage: Sniato Nami
Color by Nikita Borisov
Sound & Mixing by Rutger Martens & Mikhail Khramkov

Music (UMC Bands 2019 and 2020):
Mama - Bad Girl
Lyrics - Tatiana Sokolova (Татьяна Соколова)
Drums - Maxim Khrychev (Максим Хрычёв)
Guitar - Dmitry Musatov (Дмитрий Мусатов)
Sound desing - Maxim Khrychev (Максим Хрычёв)
Band Coach: Alexander Braunbarth

SMTH - Something Inside
Keys, guitar - Iskander Vakhitov (Искандер Вахитов)
Lyrics, vocal - Kristina Oblitsova (Кристина Облицова)
Bass guitar - Alexander Nasibullin (Александр Насибуллин)
Vocal, improvisation - Ada Sargatis (Ада Саргатис)
Pandeiro, Band Coach - Cristina Alborch (La Cris)

Julia & The Radio Squad feat. Tatiana Sokolova - New Day ("Новый День")
Music - Alexander Nasibullin (Александр Насибуллин), Dmitry Kobyakov (Дмитрий Кобяков), Ivan Sergeevich NVKY (Иван Сергеевич NVKY), Yulia Shachkova (Юлия Шачкова)
Lyrics - Tatiana Sokolova (Татьяна Соколова)
Band Coach - Rutger Martens

Crystal Time - Time
Arrangements, music, vocals - Marine Manasyan (Марине Манасян)
Vocals, lyrics, celtic harp - Alexandra Akimova (Александра Акимова)
Bansuri - Dmitry Chumichev (Дмитрий Чумичев)
Guitar, backing vocal - Elizaveta Nogovitsyna (Елизавета Ноговицына)
Band Coach: Alyiona Minulina

Gang Band Quartett - Lakritz Rapsody
Vocal - Arseny Rakov (Арсений Раков)
Vocal, MC - Igor Vedenin (Игорь Веденин)
Guitar, backing vocal - Yuriy Kazachansky (Юрий Казачанский)
Drums - Dmitry Dyakov (Дмитрий Дьяков)
Band Coach: Alexander Braunbarth

Авиарежим - Beat
Guitar - Iyvan Synkovski (Айван Сынковски)
Percussion - Natalia Chumakova (Наталья Чумакова)
Lyrics, music, vocal - Anna Semenova (Анна Семенова)
Keys - Alexander Chirkov (Александр Чирков)
Bass guitar - Roman Alekseevnin (Роман Алексеевнин)
Percussion - Gulnara Kozlova (Гульнара Козлова)
Vocal, backing vocal, lyrics - Maxim Khrychev (Максим Хрычёв)
Band Coach: Stefan Wandel

Additional Music:
Oton - Stay away
Yehezkel Raz - Milestone
Roie Shpigler - Solid Ground
Repina - Of Last Strength
SUiT - Envy No Veritas
SUiT - Not With Me


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